Alma Media > Wallpaper – Alma Businessmedia

Wallpaper – Alma Businessmedia

Wallpaper, Kauppalehti, Arvopaperi and Mediuutiset material instructions

The size of the wallpaper is 1600 x 1200 px

Etusivulla, uutisosioissa ja pörssissä tapettia näkyy sisällön molemmin puolilla 200 pikseliä paraatin kohdalla 310 pikseliä.

On the front page, news sections and stock market, wallpaper is displayed on both sides of the content for 200 pixels, and for 310 pixels on the Panorama.

Wallpaper, Talouselämä, Tivi ja Tekniikka&Talous material instructions

The size of the wallpaper is 1600 x 1200 px.

The wallpaper is displayed on both sides of the content for 215 pixels, and for 310 pixels next to the Panorama.

Wallpaper, general material instructions

  • The wallpaper consists of the following elements: wallpaper material, parade material and the target url
  • The clickable wallpaper should include a prompt that directs the user to click
  • The core message or prompt of the advertisement must be placed in connection with the parade
  • The size of the wallpaper material is 1600 x 1200 px
  • The size of the parade area is 980 x 400 px
  • The implementation of the wallpaper must be  relatively discreet and must be approved by Alma Talent no later than five (5) days before the start of the campaign. Alma Talent has the right to request corrections to the implementation.
  • The dynamic wallpaper remains visible at all times as the page is scrolled down.
  • It is also possible to have the wallpaper attached around the Panorama, so that when scrolling down the page, the wallpaper is scrolled into hiding.
  • At the top of Alma Talent’s media is Alma Talent’s navigation (42px high). With the reader at the top of the site, the wallpaper starts right under it.

Tips for implementation:

The core message or prompt of the advertisement must be placed in connection with the parade venue. It is a good idea to place a message that supports the core message at the top of the wallpaper near the edge of the content, because at lower screen resolutions, some of the wallpaper may be hidden. How much wallpaper is displayed depends on the width of the visitor’s screen. If the visitor has a small screen, the wallpaper may not be displayed at all or only partially. For this reason, it is worth favoring, for example, a repetitive image in the wallpaper, the intelligibility of which does not suffer from different screen widths. On mobile devices, the wallpaper and the parade venue sold with it are not visible at all. Leaving a white area in the middle of the wallpaper is not recommended.

Ad formatWallpaperParade
Size (pixels)1600×1200 px980×400 px
Size (max. Kb)300 kt100 kt
File formatGIF, JPG, PNG, HTML5-zip or third party tagGIF, JPG, PNG, HTML5-zip or third party tag