General Meeting
The Annual General Meeting decides, among other things, on distribution of profit and election of the members of the Board of Directors. Annual General Meeting is the most important occasion for shareholders to have influence in the company’s matters.
A General Meeting of Alma Media Corporation’s shareholders is held principally once a year. The General Meeting is convened by the Board of Directors, which also sets its agenda.
The Annual General Meeting is held on the date set by the Board of Directors, however no later than the end of April.
General Meetings resolve on matters required by the Limited Liability Companies Act and the company’s Articles of Association.
The Annual General Meeting decides, among other things, the following matters:
- Confirmation of the income statement and balance sheet.
- Distribution of profit.
- Discharge of the Board of Directors and the President and CEO from liability for the financial year.
- Election of the members of the Board of Directors and appointment of the company’s auditors.
The tasks of General Meetings also include:
- Amendments to the Articles of Association
- Decisions concerning changes to the company’s share capital.
The company’s aim is that all members of the Board of Directors attend General Meetings. The new candidates for the Board participate the Annual General Meeting and can be absent only for weighty reasons.
General meetings shall be announced in at least one of the widely read media, or on the company website, or else in writing to shareholders by registered letter no later than three weeks prior to the meeting date. In addition to this, the notice is published as a Stock Exchange Release.
Registration of attendance at the meeting must be conducted according to the notice.