Alma Media > Multi-channel ads

Multi-channel ads


We recommend submitting separate material for the digital ad to ensure the best performance.

  • Digital ad needs an URL to direct traffic to.
  • The subject of the ad must be the same as in print
  • Light animation is ok

If necessary, the Multi-channel full page ad’s print material can be used in both print and digital.

  • For Multi-channel spreads and vertical half pages, the material cannot be scaled and always needs to be provided separately.
  • The advertiser can also prohibit the use of print ad in digital, but this has no effect on the price and no compensation will be offered for missed digital impressions.

Specific location increase +10% (not applicable to front covers).

Deadline for delivery of materials is three weekdays before the start of the campaign


E-magazine app

  • Same material used as in print


  • Front page ad