Alma Media > Releases > Stock exchange release > The members of Alma Media’s Shareholders’ Nomination Committee have been appointed

The members of Alma Media’s Shareholders’ Nomination Committee have been appointed


Alma Media Corporation Stock exchange release November 29, 2021 at 3.45 p.m.

The following were appointed as members of Alma Media’s Nomination Committee: Timo Aukia,
Chairman of the Board of Directors, Ilkka Group; Peter Immonen, Member of the Board of Mariatorp
Oy; Henrik Ehrnrooth, Chairman of the Board of Otava Oy; and Timo Sallinen, Head of Listed
Securities, Varma Mutual Pension Insurance Company. At the constitutive meeting of the
Nomination Committee Henrik Ehrnrooth was chosen as the Chairman. In addition, the Chairman of
the Board of Directors of Alma Media Corporation, Jorma Ollila, will act as an expert member and
General Counsel of Alma Media Corporation, Mikko Korttila, as secretary in the Nomination

The shareholders with the right to appoint members representing shareholders to the Nomination
Committee are those four shareholders who are registered in the company’s shareholder register
maintained by Euroclear Finland Ltd on 30 September in the calendar year preceding the Annual
General Meeting and whose share of the votes produced by all shares in the company is the greatest
according to this shareholder register.

More information on the Shareholders’ Nomination Committee and the Charter of the Shareholders’
Nomination Committee are available on the Alma Media website at:

The decision to establish the Shareholders’ Nomination Committee was taken at the General
Meeting of Shareholders in 2015. The Nomination Committee’s duties include preparing proposals
related to the election and remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors for the next
official Annual General Meeting.

For more information, please contact: Mikko Korttila, General Counsel, Alma Media Corporation, tel.
+358 50 593 4589

Elina Kukkonen
Senior Vice President, Communications and Brand
Distribution: NASDAQ Helsinki, main media,

Alma Media in brief

Alma Media is a digital service business and media company with a strong capacity for renewal. We are building sustainable growth from media to services, providing content and services that benefit users in their everyday lives, work and leisure time. In Finland, our best-known brands  include Kauppalehti, Talouselämä, Iltalehti,, Nettiauto and Nettimoto. Our recruitment services include and in the Czech Republic, in Slovakia and in Croatia.

In Finland, our business operations include leading housing and automotive marketplaces, financial and professional media, national consumer media and content and data services for professionals and businesses. Alma Media’s international business in Eastern Central Europe,  Sweden and the Baltic countries consists of recruitment services, an online marketplace for commercial properties and direct marketing services.

Alma Media operates in 11 countries in Europe and employs approximately 1,500 professionals. Alma Media’s revenue from continuing operations was EUR 230.2 million in 2020. Alma Media’s share is listed on NASDAQ Helsinki. Read more at

  • Published: 29.11.2021 15:45
  • Category: Stock exchange release

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