Alma Media > News > Inderes and Alma Talent to extend their cooperation

Inderes and Alma Talent to extend their cooperation

In the future, the cooperation between Alma Talent and Inderes will cover the provision of Inderes’ research reports to the digital subscribers of Kauppalehti, distribution of investor event webcasts and investor events. The aim of the extended cooperation is to satisfy the increased information demand of investors and improve awareness of domestic listed companies.

“Over the last year, companies listed on the Helsinki stock exchange have received more than a hundred thousand new domestic shareholders. Alma Talent wants to strongly support people’s capitalism in Finland,” says Juha-Petri Loimovuori, CEO of Alma Talent.

Due to the cooperation, listed companies can reach wider target groups for the press conferences organised by Inderes’ subsidiary Flik, which is specialised in virtual events, as well as for the Capital Markets Day and other investor events in Alma Talent’s media. With the easily-accessible webcasts, the investors can also conveniently familiarise themselves with the companies. Inderes’ research reports will continue to be available to the digital subscribers of Kauppalehti.

“Our goal is to familiarise the public with domestic listed companies. Due to this cooperation, we can offer better solutions for investor communications of listed companies to reach the relevant investor target groups effectively,” says Mikael Rautanen, CEO of Inderes. “Finnish private investors need reliable and carefully balanced information about companies listed on the Helsinki stock exchange. By joining forces, Kauppalehti and Inderes will generate an impressive information package supporting the investment decisions of Finnish private investors,” says Arno Ahosniemi, Senior Editor-in-Chief of Kauppalehti.

Investors’ and listed companies’ demand for different investor events has been pent-up and clearly increasing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. To satisfy this demand, Alma Talent and Inderes will arrange the Pörssisijoittajan viikko (Stock market investor week) virtual event focusing purely on equity investment in September. Up to 40 domestic listed companies will attend the event. The event will be webcast on the websites of Inderes, Kauppalehti, Arvopaperi and Talouselämä.

For more information, please contact:

Mikael Rautanen, CEO
Inderes Oy
+358 50 346 0321

Juha-Petri Loimovuori, CEO
Alma Talent Oy
+358 50 051 1036

Arno Ahosniemi, Senior Editor-in-Chief
+358 40 588 6834

  • Published: 13.4.2021 15:40
  • Category: News

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