Alma Media > Releases > Stock exchange release > Juha-Petri Loimovuori to head Kauppalehti

Juha-Petri Loimovuori to head Kauppalehti

ALMA MEDIA CORP.           STOCK EXCHANGE RELEASE 29 SEPT 2006, 9.00    1 (1)
Juha-Petri Loimovuori (42) has been appointed managing director of Kauppalehti Oy, senior vice president and head of the Kauppalehti group in Alma Media, and a member of Alma Media’s Group Executive Team with effect from 1 November 2006.
Juha-Petri Loimovuori, M.Sc. (Econ.) has headed media marketing at Aamulehti since 2002 and the Group’s media marketing chain since 2004. Between 1994 and 2002 he held various sales and management positions in Kauppalehti’s media marketing division.
Terhi Lambert-Karjalainen
Communications Manager
Further information:
J-P Loimovuori’s CV at and photo at > Group Executive Team
DISTRIBUTION: Helsinki Exchanges, principal media
Alma Media is a Finnish media group that publishes newspapers, produces and distributes economic information, and maintains online marketplaces. The Group’s portfolio contains business, afternoon, regional, local and town papers. Alma Media also owns leading online marketplaces, a business that it is also expanding into markets outside Finland.
Alma Media’s best known products are the Aamulehti, Iltalehti and Kauppalehti papers and the home-buying internet service. The Group derives about half of its net sales from media advertising and roughly 40 % from newspaper circulation revenues. Net sales of continuing operations in 2005 amounted to MEUR 286, generating an operating profit of MEUR 42 or an operating margin of 14.8 %. The company’s share is quoted on the Main List of the Helsinki Exchanges. The trading code is ALN1V. More information at
  • Published: 29.9.2006 11:00
  • Category: Releases, Stock exchange release

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