Alma Media > Releases > Stock exchange release > Notice of the AGM

Notice of the AGM

The Annual General Meeting of Alma Media Corporation will be held on Tuesday, 8 March 2005 commencing at 1.00 am, at the Savoy Theatre, Helsinki (Kasarminkatu 46-48, 00130 Helsinki).
The meeting will consider the following items:
1. The matters stipulated in Article 12 of the Articles of Association of the Company
2. Proposal of the Board of Directors to revoke the redemption provision of the Articles of Association (Article 14) according to the Plan accepted by the Extraordinary General Meeting on 31 January 2005 and amend the numbering of the articles accordingly.          
Composition of the Board of Directors
The shareholders who represent more than 50 % of the votes of the company have announced that they will propose the number of the members of the Board of Directors to be increased from six to seven members and that the present Board members Mr Bengt Braun, Mr Lauri Helve, Mr Matti Häkkinen, Mr Matti Kavetvuo and Mr Kari Stadigh to be re-elected and Mr Daniel Sachs and Mr Harri Suutari to be elected as new members of the Board.
Appointment of the auditor
The shareholders appoint the Company’s auditors for one year at a time at the Annual General Meeting. The Audit Committee of the Board of Directors has assessed the activities and independent status of the current auditors, Mauri Palvi, KHT, and KPMG Oy Ab, in 2004 and recommends that Mauri Palvi, KHT, and KPMG Oy Ab be re-elected as the Company’s auditors for the financial year 2005.
Dividend payment   
The Board of Directors proposes according to the Plan accepted by the Exrtaordinary General Meeting on 31 January 2005 that no dividend be paid for the financial year 2004. 
Annual accounts and proposals of the Board of Directors
Documents relating to the annual accounts and the proposals of the Board of Directors mentioned in item 2 will be on display from Tuesday 1 February 2005 at the Company’s Head Office (Eteläesplanadi 14, Helsinki) and will be sent to shareholders upon request either in writing to Alma Media Corporation, Ms Kati Kareinen, P.O. Box 140, FIN-00101 Helsinki; or by phone +358 9 507 8731, or by telefax +358 9 507 8774, or by e-mail to
Shareholders who have registered themselves in the Company’s shareholder register maintained by the Finnish Central Securities Depository Ltd no later than on 25 February 2005 may attend the Annual General Meeting.
Shareholders wishing to attend must notify the Company no later than by 2.00 p.m. (Finnish time) on 3 March 2005 either in writing to Alma Media Corporation, Ms Kati Kareinen, P.O. Box 140, FIN-00101 Helsinki; or by phone +358 9 507 8731 or +358 9 507 8776, or by telefax +358 9 507 8774, or by e-mail to
Letters of authorization should arrive at the above address before the period of notification expires.
  • Published: 17.2.2005 15:00
  • Category: Releases, Stock exchange release

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