Benefits for the turn of the year
Newspapers and Magazines
5.12.2016-22.1.2017, You will get two ads for the price of one in the same newspaper or magazine brand.
When purchasing the Front Page, you will get a 1/1 Page or junior Page (A4-size) without additional charge in the same print or magazine brand within the campaign time.
Digital Campaigns
5.12.2016-22.1.2017 30 % additional ad impressions (Alma Talent network) for campaigns on mobile and desktop.
Kauppalehti Optio
Book ad simultaneously for the issues of January 19th and February 2nd of 2017. Receive 40 % discount on both ads.
Talouselämä: 9.12., 16.12., 23.12., 13.1., 20.1.
Arvopaperi: 15.12., 19.1.
Mikrobitti: 15.12., 26.1.
Markkinointi & Mainonta; 16.12., 13.1.
Mediuutiset: 16.12., 13.1., 20.1.
Tekniikka&Talous: 9.12., 13.1., 20.1.
Tivi: 1.12., 12.1.
Kauppalehti: Not published on 6.12., 26.12. and 6.1.
Possible media agency and yearly discounts are taken into account with pricing. The benefits apply only for new ad bookings.