Alma Media creates growth together.
Today and tomorrow.
Alma Media in brief
Alma Media is a digital service business and media company with a strong capacity for renewal. We are building sustainable growth from media to services, providing content and services that benefit users in their everyday lives, work and leisure time. In Finland, our best-known brands include Kauppalehti, Talouselämä, Iltalehti,, Nettiauto and Nettimoto. Our recruitment services include and in the Czech Republic, in Slovakia and in Croatia.
In Finland, our business operations include leading housing and automotive marketplaces, financial and professional media, national consumer media and content and data services for professionals and businesses. Alma Media’s international business in Eastern Central Europe, Sweden and the Baltic countries consists of recruitment services and an online marketplace for commercial properties and direct marketing services.
In 2023
Revenue MEUR 304.9 (308.7)
The share of digital business was 82.4% (80.9%) of revenue.
Employees: c. 1,700
Operations in 12 countries in Europe
We add service into media business
Our transformation from a company reliant on the printed newspaper publishing business to a provider of digital services has been well underway for a long time. We have made investments in digital media and services since the mid-1990s. The expansion of our digital services has been particularly successful in Eastern Central Europe. Digitisation is opening up a variety of opportunities for us, and media is increasingly becoming a service.
We build sustainable media
To us, corporate responsibility implies both the responsibility of our own operations and making responsibility an integral part of business operations. For Alma Media, reliability, primarily implying the provision of reliable media content, as well as environmental responsibility, are the two most important elements of responsibility. Other key elements of responsibility include journalistic integrity, responsibility for employees, the promotion of free speech, as well as supporting and promoting locality and communality.
We reach our customers
Network advertising, with a weekly reach of more than three million Finnish consumers, has seen strong growth in recent years. We are also actively developing tools and solutions that make it easier to buy digital advertising; for example, in the areas of targeted online advertising, user traffic measurement for web and mobile services, and analytics.
We work hard to constantly find new ways to refine and package information to meet various customer needs or, in other words, to bring information to life. Living information helps make better decisions and choices. Alma Media works for individual freedom and well-being. We want to be the most exciting provider of information, service and experiences. We set the stage for the future of media.
Alma Media creates growth together. Today and tomorrow.