Wallpaper (Kotikokki)
Technical specifications dynamic wallpaper Kotikokki
Example picture: wallpaper + non transparent Giant Panorama
Exaple picture: wallpaper + transparent Giant Panorama
Size: 1600×1200 px
File size: 300kb
File formats: jpg, png, gif, HTML5 (zip) or 3rd party tag.
Dynamic wallpaper is centralized and locked in place so it doesn’t scroll with the content. Wallpaper and the related Giant Panorama is positioned in the page as follows: On the upper part of the page there are a 153 px high navigation area, above which the parade is positioned. The wallpaper is displayed 265 px on the left, the content area covers the following 1070 px, on the right side the wallpaper is displayed 265 px. You can define a background colour that shows after 1600 pixels is reached on big screens, report the background color hex code while delivering material. We do not recommend to leave the white area in the middle of the wallpaper.
Discreet animation allowed. All animation should stop after 5 seconds. We have received a lot of negative feedback concerning ads that are not calm and have constant animation. Kotikokki reserves all rights not to accept content that disturbs readers experience on the page.
Giant Panorama material, displayed together with the dynamic wallpaper, material must be delivered as a separate material. If there are more material rotation in the campaign, please contact: mediamainonta@almamedia.fi.
The key message of the ad or prompt should be placed to the Giant Panorama on the link. A message of support should be placed at the top of the wallpaper near the edge of the content, as on the smaller screens part of the wallpaper can be hidden away. But bare in mind that depending on the size of the users screen the visibility varies. If user has very small screen some or most of the content wont be visible. For this reason, we recommend to use a repeating image in the wallpaper. On mobile devices wallpaper and parade sold with wallpaper do not appear at all.
Ad material delivery:
Wallpapers must be delivered five (5) working days before the campaign to the address: mediamainonta@almamedia.fi
Inform the url address
Possible background color must be informed as hex code (for example #ffffff).
Also provide a back up image for the dynamic wallpaper.