Reducing CO2 emissions
In the fall of 2018 Alma Media set long-term climate targets that define clear emissions reductions goals for the company for the upcoming years.
Alma Media’s target is to reduce the direct CO2 emissions arising from the Group’s operations by 21 per cent by 2025 and to reduce its indirect CO2 emissions, which are caused by its subcontracting chain, among other things, by 10 per cent by 2023.
These targets will be achieved by improving the energy efficiency of properties and by developing the logistics and material use of Alma Media.
“Mitigating climate change requires that companies systematically seek ways to reduce their emissions. At Alma Media, we recognise our responsibility and aim to build our business in a sustainable manner,” says Alma Media’s Corporate Responsibility Manager Kirsi Hantula.
The international Science Based Targets organisation has approved Alma Media’s emission targets. The organisation’s goal is to encourage companies to set long-term science-based climate targets that are in line with the global reduction targets stipulated by the Paris Climate Agreement.
In addition to Alma Media, six other Finnish enterprises had set science-based emission targets by summer 2019. The worldwide number of companies with defined science-based targets is approximately 220.