Alma Winter Advantages 2017
Alma’s winter advantages reach both consumers and B2B decision-makers, and they are available for you in the Alma News & Life, Alma Talent, and Alma Network channels.
Alma News & Life
The digital winter campaign advantages include 30% more impressions, free of charge
This discount applies to standard-priced campaigns. One discount per booking. The discount does not apply to Celtra campaigns or Almascope campaigns. Other sales conditions are in accordance with the Iltalehti sales conditions. The discount is valid for campaigns beginning 13 November 2017 and running until 8 January 2018.
The winter advantages for print media include 2+2: Buy four ads for the price of two
All four ads must be booked at the same time. All four ads must be of the same size, but their contents can vary. All four ads must be published during a single campaign. The free ads will appear in a publication during the campaign period. If the ads included in the package are priced differently, the two cheapest will be free of charge.
In addition to the Iltalehti 2+2 offer, media agencies that buy the package will receive a media agency discount. No other simultaneous discounts may be included. The discount does not apply to opening spreads, classified ads, or special editions (Thursday, 7 December: Finnish independence celebrations in the Presidential Palace; Saturday, 23 December: Christmas issue; Friday, 5 January: Twelfth Night). The discount is valid from 13 November 2017 to 7 January 2018.
Alma Talent
The digital winter campaign advantage includes 30% more impressions, free of charge
This discount applies to standard-priced campaigns and CPM-based content marketing. One discount per booking. Free-of-charge impressions are delivered in Alma Talent network. The discount does not apply to Celtra campaigns or other content marketing. The discount is valid from 4 December 2017 to 21 January 2018.
The Winter Advantage for Print Media includes 1+1 or a front page plus an extra 1/1 ad in one publication
- Kauppalehti: 4 December 2017 – 21 January 2018
- Kauppalehti Optio: issues 20/2017 and 1/2018
- Markkinointi & Mainonta: issues 22/2017 and 1/2018
- Talouselämä: issues 44,45,46/2017 and 1,2/2018
- Tekniikka & Talous: issues 40,41/2017 and 1,2/2018
- Tivi: issues 12/2017 and 1/2018
- Arvopaperi: issues 12/2017 and 1/2018
- Mikrobitti: issues 12/2017 and 1/2018
Media agency or annual subscription discounts will be applied. The discounts apply to new bookings only.
The Alma Network
The digital winter campaign advantage includes 30% more impressions on mobile and online, free of charge
This discount applies to standard-priced campaigns in the Alma network. The discount does not apply to Celtra campaigns, content marketing, or Almascope products. One discount per booking. Other sales conditions are in accordance with the Alma Media sales conditions. The discount is valid for campaigns beginning 4 December 2017 and running until 7 January 2018.
- Published: 25.10.2017 13:30
- Category: Advertisers