Alma Media > Releases > Press release > Alma Media Corporation joins the UN’s Global Compact initiative

Alma Media Corporation joins the UN’s Global Compact initiative

Alma Media Corporation       Press Release        December 22, 2011


Alma Media Corporation has signed the United Nations’ Global Compact initiative and the company has been accepted as a member of the Global Compact network. Joining the network promotes Alma Media’s Sustainable Media programme for corporate responsibility and further strengthens the group’s commitment to sustainable business practices and transparency in its operations.

“We are committed to following the principles of the Global Compact initiative in our everyday operations. The ten principles of the initiative are fully in line with Alma Media’s Code of Conduct outlined this year. Joining the UN initiative is thus a natural continuation to our objectives and measures for developing sustainable media. Transparency is the cornerstone of sustainable media, and it is precisely this value that the Global Compact initiative strives to accomplish,” says Kai Telanne, President and CEO of Alma Media.

The UN Global Compact is a worldwide initiative whose signatories are committed to implementing and promoting ten principles related to human rights, labour, the environment and anti-corruption in their operations. At present there are nearly 9,000 signatories to the initiative from over 130 countries.  More information on the initiative:

For more information, please contact:
Rauno Heinonen, Vice President, Corporate Communications, Alma Media Corporation, tel. +358 10 665 2251

Alma Media in brief
Alma Media is a dynamic media company whose best-known products are Aamulehti, Iltalehti, Kauppalehti and Alma Media employs approximately 2,800 professionals. The company’s net sales in 2010 totalled MEUR 311.4 with an operating margin of 13.9 per cent. Alma Media’s share (ALN1V) is listed in the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Exchange. Read more at

  • Published: 22.12.2011 11:00
  • Category: Press release, Releases

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