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Alma Media: Monster’s survey: Most Finns want a new job

MONSTER OY                PRESS RELEASE               11 Oct 2007
A survey conducted by Monster reveals that Finnish employees are dissatisfied with their present careers and are planning re-education. Monster is Finland’s most popular online recruitment meeting point on the Internet.
Visitors to the website were asked in September 2007, “Have you ever considered a new career?” The response “Yes, I am presently contemplating re-education” was chosen by 70 per cent of more than a thousand respondents.
This enthusiasm for a career change and re-education can also be seen in the growing demand for adult education, due to both the appreciation for education and the existing multitude of re-education opportunities.
“This autumn we have had xxx new adult students, some xx per cent of whom are re-educating themselves for a totally new career”, says FIRSTNAME LASTNAME, JOB TITLE, Adult Education Centre Adulta.
“The majority of people who enrol in adult education programmes have a very high motivation level, because returning to school means an opportunity to make major changes in their lives. It is great that people have a positive attitude to career change and adult education in general these days”, MR/MS LASTNAME points out.
The Monster survey results are based on the response from website visitors between 4 and 18 September, 2007. The survey was taken by
1,049 [permanently?] employed people from all parts of Finland. The responses divided as follows:
70%              Yes, I am presently contemplating re-education
13%              Yes, but not within the next few years
8%                No, I like my present career
7%                No, a total change takes too much time/trouble
More information:
Tiina Laisi-Puheloinen, Marketing Manager, Monster Oy, tel. +358 40 594 3559 or is Finland’s leading online recruitment network. It has continuously increased its market share and in 2006 the number of job vacancies on its pages grew by more than 50 % on the previous year. Some 220,000 different job applicants visit the pages every month. Monster is owned by Alma Media Corporation (75 %) and Monster Inc. (25 %).
Monster offers prospective employers an effective online forum for job advertising; in addition to the online pages it enables advertisements to be placed in Finland’s leading business and tabloid dailies, Kauppalehti and Iltalehti. More information at
  • Published: 11.10.2007 11:00
  • Category: Press release, Releases

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