Alma Media > Releases > Press release > and begin content co-operation on 17 January 2007 and begin content co-operation on 17 January 2007

MONSTER OY                                        PRESS RELEASE 17.1.2007 and begin content co-operation on 17 January 2007
Finland’s leading online recruitment service and Finland’s most popular internet website plan to start collaboration also in Finland. Similar co-operation already exists in Sweden, France and Belgium, for example. will provide job advertisements and other selected recruitment and work-related services on’s pages from 17 January 2007. The purpose of this co-operation is to increase’s service offering to its users because recruitment services are of interest to many consumers.
Further information:
Tiina Laisi, Marketing Manager, Monster Oy, tel. +358 (0)40 594 3559
Mikko Ketola, Sales Director, Microsoft Oy, tel. +358 (0)50 3838 550 is Finland’s leading online recruitment service. It has continuously increased its market share and in 2006 the number of job vacancies on its pages grew by more than 50 % on the previous year. Some 200,000 different job applicants visit the pages every month. Monster is owned by Alma Media Corporation (75 %) and Monster Inc. (25 %). Monster offers prospective employers an effective online forum for job advertising; in addition to the online pages it enables advertisements to be placed in Finland’s leading business and tabloid dailies, Kauppalehti and Iltalehti. More information at
About MSN and Windows Live. MSN attracts more than 465 million unique users worldwide per month. With localized versions available globally in 42 markets and 21 languages, MSN is a world leader in delivering compelling programmed content experiences to consumers and online advertising opportunities to businesses worldwide. Windows Live, a new set of personal Internet services and software, is designed to bring together in one place all the relationships, information and interests people care about most, with enhanced safety and security features across their PC, devices and the Web. MSN and Windows Live will be offered alongside each other as complementary services. Some Windows Live services entered an early beta phase on Nov. 1, 2005; these and future beta updates can be found at Windows Live is available at MSN is located on the Web at MSN worldwide sites are located at
  • Published: 17.1.2007 14:00
  • Category: Press release, Releases

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